Friday, February 18, 2011

As promised

well last week little dylan got his mission call and it was a pretty awesome event. Although he admitted to me the other night he felt really bad because he didn't invite the Call side of the family, because he thought that his dad or my mom had. Sorry Call family. Before we opened his call everyone guessed two places in the world that Dylan could go then he opened his mission call in a really unique way in which he left his call with the family and left the room and we his grandmothers opened his call and told everyone, then dylan came back into the room with out knowing where he was going and slowly one by one people came up to the world map and took off their guesses and left his mission call up on the map. It was pretty awesome. 


  1. I can hook him up with a missionary discount on some custom tailored suits. Holler at me.

  2. He is going to Mexico!!! its the southern most mission. I cant remember the name though.
